Our Supporters

Bespoken Media

Dave at Bespoken Media was incredibly helpful when I approached him about using podcasting as a means to develop an audience, share stories, and demonstrate the appetite and need for an organisation like EQUK in the industry. Thanks to Dave’s help, I was able to using podcasting to create social media content and which helped to spread the word about the organisation.


Firstport Logo

EQUK was founded using Firstport’s Start It fund which was used to develop the IT infrastructure needed to launch the business. Without this support, EQUK would never have been born.


Growbiz Logo

Growbiz Scotland provide mentoring for start-up businesses in rural Scotland. As EQUK is an organisational that has its heart in the countryside, their support has been invaluable in providing the guidance needed to push the business forward at every stage.

Jorja Scott Graphic Design

EQUK’s branding was designed by Graphic Design student Jorja Scott. Jorja worked to create a colour scheme and bold imagery that was representative both of the traditional and modern elements of the equine industry, taking inspiration from Bella’s face markings, and the concept of ‘qualification’ to design the red rosette imagery of EQUK.

Kedia Creative

Kyle from Kedia Creative worked alongside Cameron to produce our ‘What is Equine Qualifications UK CIC?’ video. His eye for creativity helped to capture the energy of the project perfectly.

Visuals of Cam

A chance encounter on the beach on New Year’s Day led to Cat and Cameron crossing paths. Cameron took the incredible photos and created our introductory video on the homepage which has been integral to conveying the message and energy of the EQUK mission.

Yellow Rose Content

Jess from Yellow Rose Content provides SEO support to the organisation as well as social media guidance. We work together to ensure we are always ahead of the curve! This is a crucial role within the organisation as a strong SEO strategy underpins the success of EQUK’s digital presence.

Get involved

We are always looking to collaborate with businesses, charities and organisations who share our vision for making equestrian education accessible and inclusive. If you believe in the EQUK vision, please get in touch.

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